Argenbright Group
Small Actions, Big Impact: Driving Change Through Everyday Choices.
Transforming labor-intensive essential frontline services for more than 40 years
The Argenbright Group was founded on a remarkable innovative idea that revolutionized the industry. This vision challenged conventional outsourcing models, setting new standards of excellence.
With a 40-year legacy, the Argenbright Group is a respected institution offering comprehensive, people-intensive business solutions across sectors such as aviation services, facilities management, and commercial and government security.

Startup Capital
$2.1 Billion
Global Enterprise
Established in 1979 by visionary entrepreneur Frank A. Argenbright, Jr., the company started with just $500 in startup capital and has grown into a global enterprise valued at over $2.1Billion. Today, with nearly 50,000 employees worldwide, Argenbright’s ventures have redefined industries and enriched communities.
Our office in Gurgaon and Bengaluru, India exemplifies Argenbright Group’s global reach and commitment to delivering exceptional services worldwide. This strategic location allows us to tap into India’s rich talent pool while leveraging the country’s dynamic business environment.
At the core of our enduring success is steadfast commitment to client service, dedication to our employees, and strong emphasis on innovation. These pillars have established the Argenbright Group as an industry powerhouse.
950 East Paces Ferry Rd NE, Suite 2000,
Atlanta GA 30326
(844) 883-5624